I used to believe I had a way to find and I now realise that I don’t.
I am my way.
I am an Intuitive, Change and Empowerment Facilitator, Energetic Practitioner, Medium when required and Coaching Mentor. There are so many labels I could use.
When you activate change within yourself, your external life will also change for the better. I can offer you the insight, clearing and support you need to remove obstacles and barriers and to move forward in a better and a new way.
I love assisting others to create through Being.
To create miracles in the moment.
To be in acceptance.
To allow and flow when life is not meeting our expectations and bringing disturbance and disappointment.
To trust yourself and to believe in yourself.
To believe in SOURCE – your true nature- against all odds.
To know that there are no coincidences in life and that life may seem chaotic but there is a far greater order at play.
To see a higher purpose and reason for what we can experience as difficult and painful.
As we experience moments of higher wisdom and guidance we find that these moments gradually become our way of being.
I love to bring in and blend the heart- felt energy of Pure Love and the exciting and expansive higher light frequencies for the benefit of all.
To be One with the Source that is ever present and at the core of being.
It is a privilege and a great pleasure to assist others to live from this place.
I began this path as a qualified, practising and teaching Astrologer almost 30 years ago.
I studied Attunement. I then lived and worked in Personal Development; practised and taught Meditation; Intuitive Counselling and Psychic Consultations; Studied and worked as a Practitioner of Aura Balancing and Healing; Qualified EMF Balancing Practitioner (Electro Magnetic Field) using a 4 Phase process of Intent and clearing chakras. I was incredibly fortunate to have been given Medicine Budda Empowerments from Tibetan Rinpoches who are also Tibetan Medical Doctors.
Working with Energy is my great love.
I also worked as a Trainer/Assessor of Unemployed clients and specialised in working with Long Term Unemployed as a Motivational/ Empowerment Trainer delivering my own 4 Day Intensive Course The Mover and Shaker.
I have worked with Business Owners in Business Development to bring in desired improvements and outcomes. If it is your business, then your energetic imprint flows through all your people and processes to yield results. We can together identify the real issues and do whatever it takes.
This is the beginning of a new age for humanity and we have chosen to be here now. 2020 has heralded the beginning of this transformation and the instability and falling apart of our societal, business, economic and political structures are making way for a better way for all – not just some.
High vibrational frequencies are bombarding our planet and we have the choice to move forward into a new future or remain anchored in the quicksand of the past.
We are now being called to transform from the very core of our being. It means a whole lot of letting go and aligning with the greater good for the benefit of all.