For those who venture into the Spiritual path because you are seekers and searching for meaning and connection to Source, you will find a myriad of paths, methods and instructions.
Online you will find advertisements for ever possible paths to inner self, love, light connection. So many and so much. It’s overwhelming. The challenge is to find, amongst the throngs, those who resonate in integrity and call to you.
The path for the true seeker always begins and continues with self and as your journey progresses, you will find that you are naturally, just by being, able to be of service to others. Humility and strength, quiet assurance of deep understanding and assimilation of energetic shifts within all bodies of your being, without the need to be seen as special or important, increase resonance of harmony.
There is no difference between ‘my path’ or ‘your path’ and no one path is better than another.
Within our Unity of Oneness, we are all on individual paths to the same place, yet no path is lesser than or more than. As humans, we have a natural inclination to measure success and achievement, yet every action, no matter whether it is large or small, is of value and is precious, depending upon the origin of its motivation.
Now, more than ever we must deepen into and live from Heart. Not the trendy and superficial displays of “I’m so spiritual”, but the real stuff which is seen from actions and presence of being. From true understanding that comes from allowing the light to expose your darknesses and support you as you befriend the aspects of self that you have difficulty accepting and approving of.
Self-kindness and compassion, nurturing your real needs regardless of how acceptable or unacceptable they are, having courage to be fully present with yourself at all times on all levels and in all conditions without harshly judging and self-shaming. When you can do this for yourself, and you are loving of yourself, your heart is then able to be open to the suffering of others without being destroyed by it.
This is your journey which you can share.
Sometimes, anxiety and depression are there because we are avoiding feelings that we fear can destroy us.
A feeling cannot destroy you as it is only a feeling attached to a memory, and that memory is of a past event that is no longer happening.
If you are afraid to go into those places whin yourself that frighten you so much that you avoid feeling them, I am happy to assist you as a Guide and support.
[Note about the 3 Flower images: The images are a Himalayan Poppy (Peony)and the first image is showing that beauty does not mean perfection. The second image is to show the strength of the heart of the flower. The third image is of the flower during the making of a vibrational essence of it. I noted that the strength and opening of this flower occurred as it died and fell apart after being picked, which I interpreted as symbolic of us as our old patterns of resistance fall away and allow the heart to open.]
Wayfinderonline is under no circumstances, offering this information as a substitute for Psychological or Medical advice.
That’s a really awesome article! A friend of mine has been looking forward to reading something like this for a long time. 온라인 카지노