What do you choose? Fear or Change?
I recently read a post that referred to an Astrological transit that said we are being put through the ringer and the writer seemed to imply that there was alot to be fearful and nervous about.
Well- Yes- there are massive changes taking place and yes, we are deepening into these for the next few years. Our world is changing – from the ground up. In order for real and positive change to occur, many systems and structures in our societies, that we, human kind have created will crumble, but to be replaced by better ways of living that serve and benefit all.
Greed is ultimately at the core of the destruction we see on our planet now. And Greed is not sustainable for the many – only the few. It is not sustainanble for our planet.
The energy is strong and you will be in fear if you hold steadfastly to what you have known before and refuse to change. And yes, change can mean letting go. But who are we to know that something much better may not be awaiting us if we do let go?
These energies are supporting every effort we make to transform our lives, our consumption and the ways we have been living.
If we can connect with our inner knowing, our inner voice about what is our best way forward and follow this knowing, then new life awaits. But if we hold onto the past as we have known it and are afraid of change, then we may attract what we fear most.
What are your real and true priorities?
What could you not live without?
What do you want most for yourself, family, friends and community?
What are your real values and are you living according to these or are you living out somone else’s agenda fo you?
What is your deepest truth? Perhaps even the one that you are afraid of revealing for fear of ridicule or censure?
What do you really want for yourself and your family? Not what your mind tells you but what does your Soul yearn for?
The current Astrological energies are no picnic but there is a path forward. Pluto, especially, is very much, “Transform or die.” And that death is usually metaphoric. The old way of being dies to enable of rebirth of a much better way for you and for all. After much presure, the volcano explodes.
Uranus brings sudden, unexpected change, as does an earthquake. People say, after the event “What just happened? Where did that come from?” Uranus brings lightning, opportunity and inspiration.
Neptune dissolves through storms, water grief and loss. And confusion and deceit. Think Information and media platfroms today. What is true and what is not? The highest manifestation of Neptune is Unconditional love. To open the heart. And the way to open the heart is through it’s breaking. We all know this as life.
I could continue but you get the gist.
What do you choose?