Words are energy

Words are Energy

Words carry energy and intent behind them. They are not just words.

When we speak and write from truth and love, we do not cause harm to others. We see their essence and understand that the intention behind their sometime shocking and harmful words may have been to assist or support, correct or convince, but they do not have the awareness that we have of the energy that words carry.

We may disagree and have different opinions but that does not make anyone wrong or anyone right.

Words can harm and cannot be taken back. If we can respond from our heart with a clear intention to offer our truth and to do so with love, we can clear ourselves of old habits that can create reactions that are without thought and are pure reactive emotion.

If we are able to sit back and recognise that the words of others are exactly that and that they may have triggered an emotional reaction within us, then our reaction is the lesson and teacher to show us that we are not our past nor are we the person that others may assume we are. If we go beyond the words, the real question is “What are they/you really saying?”

Words and the intention behind words belong solely to the writer or the speaker and our reaction belongs solely to us. I speak in separateness because when we oppose others, or choose to feel wounded, we are unknowingly opposing and wounding ourselves.

Do we really want to engage in an unconscious argument where we each are denying our own involvement? Are we in fact denying Unity?

When we address the over riding issue, rather than the arguments, then we are more able to understand the true motivations of the speaker or writer.

I was inspired to write this in response to  recent situations.

Much of our communication happens on Social Media. I have been having increasingly sick, black feelings in my gut when I have been reading many emotionally charged and exceedingly rational posts facebook. We now have Social Media which allows everyone to express their opinion which is great, but not so great when it is used to denigrate, patronise, berate or disallow our right to an opinion without censure or ridicule.

It was time to leave the giant corporate data bank and move on rather than engage.

The next was more personal. Assumptions made about me  were not correct and I almost reacted from, probably, my teenage years. I was able to stop, step back, get some air and connect with Source, my essential self and my team.

The guidance I received was to say very little but to say it from the Heart, while speaking my truth. And not to dispute opinions as details are never the issue because they can be subjective perceptions according to one’s belief system and subject to interpretation.

 The overall communication and interaction is the issue and may be one of boundaries, especially energetic boundaries, not being heard, understood or seen, not standing in your own truth or simply people living in different realities, living in their mental minds. Our minds can be our escape from fear and when we react, you can be sure that the reaction is of the mind.

We can be two people having conversations with ourselves and intersecting in the “not happy place” where we can easily attribute fault or blame that is mistaken as the cause of wounding from words.

Living in the mental mind may well be a natural inclination for someone and that is their comfort place- their secure, comfortable place. Our inner knowing in the heart is our truth.

It is not until we have known the limits of our minds that we can recognise when we are triggered and then to from our hearts. And that is what we are all called to do now, as it is the only way to cooperation, respect and understanding.

Apparent Science versus apparent conspiracy thinking.

Fact versus illusion.

Right versus wrong.

 Light versus dark.

Judgement and superiority- the subtle ”I am better than you” that ensures the speaker feels justified.

Until we can know where and how we are triggered, we will continue in reaction and will continue to generate hate, intolerance and division.

And there is no need for this as when we are in the heart – there is only love, there is only peace, there is only acceptance, compassion and kindness. Love absolutely can heal.

Yes, I am suggesting that we accept full responsibility for our reactions as others may not know what they do or say. And when we accept full responsibility, we can then choose to disengage or be present within the heart of acceptance, peace and love through our response.

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