These are times of massive change and can be challenging and at times, leave you with no ground to stand on and nothing solid to hold onto.
Many things that used to work for you do not anymore.
So – what now?
DO YOU WANT TO FEEL BETTER – strong, positive, clear, calm and balanced?
DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO MOVE FORWARD -especially when our references for ‘ahead’ are no longer clear?
DO YOU WANT TO FEEL THAT YOU ARE ON YOUR RIGHTFUL PATH? You can know when you are – you have energy and feel inspired and love what you are doing and being.
I work as one with Source – energy of pure, unconditional love and the highest aspect of light.
For many years now, I have worked with Intent, as one of the most powerful tools in the creation and manifestation of changes and your reality.
The energy and guidance I can offer, through me, can ease your way and help to relieve fear, anxiety and distress.
I work by clearing and releasing energetic blocks that are preventing you from being in a state of balance and clarity so you can move forward.
YOU DO know what you need and sometimes it is difficult to connect with that inner knowing because of the stories you have running about what is real and what is not and what is ok and acceptable and what is not. Your stories are not who you are. They are just stories.
I can help by reconnecting you to Source, higher self or whatever words or names you use. All is one. You are not separate from all that is. When you experience and are present in oneness, you know who you are.
We can drop the endless activity and constant DOING .and start to create through BEING.

“Brenda thank you so much for the detailed and indepth reading of my chart. I needed to walk on the earth and ground it as was blown away.It has helped me to understand my life, the gifts and experiences in such a different way.I feel so encouraged and supported to open up new directions for my life and unfolding future.I have delighted in sharing your contact details with friends. Thank you again. Deb“
You can find me on
Brenda Minifie@brendaminifie
You can find me on
Brenda Minifie@brendaminifie

“Brenda thank you so much for the detailed and indepth reading of my chart. I needed to walk on the earth and ground it as was blown away.It has helped me to understand my life, the gifts and experiences in such a different way.I feel so encouraged and supported to open up new directions for my life and unfolding future.I have delighted in sharing your contact details with friends. Thank you again. Deb“

“Absolutely amazing Brenda. I love the way you break down the explanation and guide us into understanding Astrology and how to use our charts for our highest benefit! K.”
Clearing and Guidance sessions
I am offering single sessions and if you would like to receive ongoing support, mentoring and guidance with Spiritual/Psychic Development, I am also offering 3 and 5 Session packages.
Phone, WhatsApp, Messenger or Skype
Audio Courses coming soon
To establish, clear and deepen your connection to Source and yourself.
To develop your own inner guidance and knowing: Intuition
To assist you to start living from the High Heart rather than being caught in mind master.
To create from a place of pure Being rather than fear or desperation.
To assist you to move from the old ways of living to a higher vibrational frequency of this new planetary energy.
Are you ready to live a better way, a new way, YOUR way?
You are just a click away!