Where are you vibrating at?


We are welcoming in the new Aquarian Age.

The Aquarian age is the age of Science bringing as yet unimagined new technology and scientific advances we cannot even conceive of today.

It will be the Age of innovation, Community living and focus, care for and inclusion of those less fortunate, people power, loss of political and social hierarchies, less global and more local.

Travelling amongst the stars and living on other planets. Technologies that do not require hardware such as phones, tablets, watches, screens. We will have information on command in front of our eyes and connected in our ears. It’s not science fiction- it is the Age of Aquarius.

Vibrational frequencies of quantum physics will become commonplace in our futures- in health, wellbeing, science, communication, transport, life, the universe and everything.

Why do people meditate?

Why do we work with healing energy?

What is the vibration of health as opposed to illness?  

What is the vibration of happiness?

Of peacefulness? Of anger? Of fear?

Gamma, beta, alpha, delta and theta were vibrational sound frequencies (Brain wave frequencies) that generate different levels of experience, long before they were attributed to viruses. Just the names, not the frequencies.

Gamma vibrates at just over 30Hz, Beta at 13-30Hz, Alpha 8-12 hz, Theta– 4-8Hz and Delta -less than 4Hz.

*Gamma helps with information processing and memory.

*We are vibrating within the beta range when we are concentrating, aroused and alert as well as when we are feeling anxious, unwell and out of balance.

*We are vibrating within the Alpha range when we are very relaxed but still focused. Deep relaxation as between being awake and asleep comes with the slower Alpha waves and super learning with the higher frequency level of Alpha. When we are happy and joyful we are vibrating in the Alpha range.

*The Theta frequencies bring deep states of meditation with visions, dreaming, integration of disharmonious states, stress relief and endorphin producing. This state can bypass the left brain (intellect and rational) allowing us to shift beliefs and break self sabotaging habits. 

*And Delta states- the lowest and slowest frequency of deep sleep and experienced meditators can experience this trance like state of emptiness, presence without physicality, which is incredibly powerful and can assist with anti aging and inner stillness and peace.

So, Alpha, theta and delta are the states that assist us to ‘raise our vibrational frequency.’

I meditated for several years using a Holosync process of listening to these vibrational frequencies and the benefits have been profound. Now I also listen to the Sofreggio frequencies at different times.

Vibrational frequencies of sound and vision/colour can be of great assistance to us and they offer us energetic frequencies that create a level of vibration that matches the input.

Energy healing can do the same thing as the practitioner is vibrating at a deeper(higher)vibration that is able to assist to clear balance vibrational disturbances and imbalances in others for their benefit and health.

It is such a wonderful relief to experience the consciousness shift that a different vibration can bring.

Today, we are constantly exposed to media- online, gaming, social media,TV, News and all of these currently and repeatedly expose us to low vibrations and they can create stress, increased blood pressure, lowered immunity, less resistance to dis-ease and distress at this time. If you become overwhelmed with these harsh vibrations you cannot feel good, unless you break away from all stimulus. 

This is such an exciting time to be alive as the promise and potential of quantum physics and vibrational contributions to our lives can be incredible. But only when we are aware of and recognise the different vibrational frequencies in our lives.

The way to increase your awareness of this is from simple questions.

How do I feel around this person? Good is a high vibration and bad is a low one.

How do I feel when I am working?

How do I feel in my home?

How do I feel in nature? On the beach?

When we start to recognise our responses to different stimulii we then have more power to choose what experiences we want to have and what does not serve us.

  Grab those headphones and notice how you feel when you are listening to classical music as opposed to radio announcers yelling at you and then upping the volume and immersing your being in Low vibrational Ads. The energy we absorb is the energy we become.

So grab those headphones and instead listen to some calm and stillness or water or just your own breathing. Slow your vibration down to raise it and destress. It makes a huge difference. You will thank yourself.



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